28 November, 2015

The Possibility Of Unconditional Love [You Too Can Love Unconditionally]
vDreams10:43 0 Comments

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. ~ 1 John 4:18
The biggest problem we have about unconditional love and humanity comes from what the society and community of people that have been hurt and heartbroken in the past teach about love. We tend to be ruled by the opinion of the vast majority of people who failed in their responsibility to love - and love well. I believe if we paid more attention to people that have the mastery in the fine art of loving and loving so well, we will be conditioned to understand the true nature and meaning of unconditional love. Read all about Unconditionally Love here.

Unconditional love is about not loving someone because of this or that, but just an overflow of the love we have learnt to lavish on ourselves. 

How then can we love unconditionally? How can it be possible? just keep reading...

Unconditional love is possible if we can practice to love indifferently. What is loving indifferently? Irrespective of who is involved, we should love as though we loved equally. When we love by dedicating a "special portion" of love for certain people maybe because of who they are to us or what they are to us, that is not unconditional love. To love unconditionally, one must move from loving with preferential treatment to loving as though they preferred everyone just the same. Love every child as you would your kids; love everyone woman as you would your wife love and every person as you would that you be loved.

Unconditional love is possible if we can change our human minds. I said before, the human mind is too narrow, selfish and full of fear to be able to love unconditionally. It feels vulnerable at all times, it feels self centered at all times and it lacks the capacity to understand why you can love unconditionally.

If we must love unconditionally, we must get pass loving with our natural minds to loving with something far better than our narrow, selfish and fear-filled minds - we must love we a changed heart; the mind that has been renewed in the knowledge of truth [and as some would say, enlightened]

Unconditional love is possible if we not only love with our Heads but more importantly with our Heart. The head will always want to find reason, and logical explanations to things, but since unconditional love has no room for reason, it is impossible to love unconditionally with our heads. It tricks us into believing that you have to call it what it is and face reality.

Loving from our hearts says that to love unconditionally, one must love selflessly and never out of necessity or pity, or logic or reason. What cannot be explained with our heads, our hearts alone can embrace it. And one of such things is the gift of unconditional love. Loving with the head only makes this impossible.

Unconditional love is not about allowing someone to walk all over you and you keep mute to become a love rag. It is not about enduring being neglected simply because you say you love unconditionally. No, that is not what it is. To love another person under any circumstances is not relegated to passionate love either.

Like I said earlier unconditional love allows you to love yourself first, so that you have the strength of heart and mind to give the same to another person. It doesn't teach you forget that you need to love yourself too. 

Wonder the kind of love a loving mother has for a child and you will fully understand a part of unconditional love. Loving unconditionally means you love not because you are loved and not because you "need" to feel loved. 

We are naturally programmed to be conditional, to expect something in return for our love. I cannot say with complete confidence that we don’t place some degree of conditions on almost all our communication and interactions. We are quite specifically conditioned to only give love when we are reciprocated, and most often according to what we think is worthy of our love. This is why we tend to easily fall in love with people who show us the most care and affection irrespective of what kind of people they are.

Unconditional love is not a loan needing to be repaid, but a string-less gift of the heart - a gesture where only you benefit directly. It is not "I love you" - "I love you too" kind of love. It is not a question that requires an answer neither is it a statement that requires affirmation. It is the love that casts out all fears.

The big question remains, Is Unconditional Love then possible?

Unconditional love is possible if we can wake to the reality that loving is not about being loved. I hear a lot of people tell me the reason they want a relationship so bad is so they can have someone to love them, and this is so wrong. If you enter into a relationship because you want to feel loved and cared for, unconditional love has no grounds to sprout. 

You don't love because you want to be loved; you love because you want to make a difference. God demonstrated this for us by telling us how God loved us even when we had no idea about who GOD is and the kind of person He is. He loved us not because we first loved Him; He loved us not because He wanted us to love Him in return. He loved us because He wanted to share love with someone, someone like you and me who cared so little about God.

If we must learn to love unconditionally, we must understand that loving is not about being loved but about sharing the love you already have, like a mother who wants a child to love and she loves her till the time of death. Let's love indifferently just like a mother or fathers love.

Unconditional love is possible if we can take with us the truth of what God's word teaches us about love which includes:

"Here in is love, not that we loved Him but that He first loved us and gave..." [1 John 4:10] and 1 Corinthians 13

It is worthy of note to understand that unconditional love is impossible for the human mind to wrap itself around. Mere humans can't love unconditionally. So the bible tell us that after we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, "the love of God is shed aboard in our hear through Him..." So we need something better and bigger than the ordinary human mind - we need the Holy Spirit.

It takes a heart that has felt loved unconditionally to be able to work its way into loving unconditionally. To whom much is given, much is expected. Unconditonal love can be attained when we have taught ourselves how to love ourself well enough. This is unconditional love,when you want to learn to tolerate people, simply tap into the unending stream of forgiveness and pardon you give your teeth everytime it bites your tongue and into the undaunting resilience of not refusing to use when next you are eating.

So to this end, if we must love and love unconditionally, let us go beyond loving from the human stand point and start loving from the stand point of God love for us even when we knew not that we desperately needed His love and acceptance.

If you have attained this kind of love or have been loved this way...please will you be kind enough to share your experience by writing us a post? We will so welcome it. Submit it to our email or use here or use our forum.

About The Author Eyoh Daniel Hi! Am Eyoh Daniel and I run this blog. Am proud of what I do and love working with people to achieve a common goal. This blog is ours. It's not about me. It's about us. Let's work together to bring beauty and love into our world. Click here to read more.